Who leads Grace Home Schoolers (GHS)?

GHS is overseen by a group of parents, called the Grace Leadership Team. This team is responsible for overseeing all programs and activities within GHS.

Where does my money go?

GHS membership covers cost of our facility, insurance, and for most activities throughout the year, except field trips, yearbook, and a few other optional activities.

What kind of communication is there?

Members may receive occasional emails highlighting upcoming events and activities. However, most of our communication is through the Band App. On the Band App, members can communicate with other members and leadership, post events and ask questions, receive and post information about field trips, meet-ups and ask for coverage for upcoming absences. Band also provides access to forms, documents, and our school calendar.  (Band is a members’ only app, all other non-member communication will be done through email.)

What kind of activities does GHS offer?

Three to four Fridays out of the month there are enrichment classes offered. There are various fairs (science, biography/history, geography), Fine Arts Nights, graduation/promotion ceremonies, picnics, etc. We also have field trips, and picnic days.

What are my obligations?

Your obligation to the group is to serve at one of these activities and help with set-up, clean-up, and in-between during the event, as needed.

Are any of the leaders paid staff?

All positions are volunteer positions. Teachers are reimbursed for their class expenses.

What are my obligations again?

You will serve at one event held throughout the school year, and if you are participating in Friday classes, additionally you will serve each Friday in a service position. Please remember, this co-op cannot function without all hands on deck.

What if I become ill and cannot fulfill my obligation?

If you have any emergencies that come up, you will need to follow our Parent Absentee Policy.

What if I have a Senior this year?

GHS offers a lovely cap and gown graduation ceremony, a Junior/Senior banquet, and a yearbook page for each senior. There is an additional cost for these supplies and events that will be divided or paid individually by the senior family throughout the year.