Science Fair

For the 2023-2024 school year, GHS is combining our annual Social Studies Fair and Science Fair.  This combined fair is a great opportunity for your student to delve into topics on history and culture, or science. Everyone is encouraged to attend the GHS Fair. You can present an experiment, or set up a display.  Everyone will earn a participation ribbon. You can also set up a display of a collection, or something else scientific just for fun.  Please come out and join the fun!  

Science Fair Tips

Your display board should be decorated colorfully, thorough and neat.  It should present a question, and a conclusion to that question. It should present a complete story. Look online for ideas. The board for the Science Fair should include the following items:

  • Title
  • Purpose (what you wanted to find out)
  • Hypothesis (what you thought would happen)
  • Procedure (what you did)
  • Photographs of you working on project
  • Charts, Tables, Graphs and/or drawings
  • Materials (a list so others can duplicate your experiment)
  • Laboratory Notebook
  • List of those who helped you (this can include experts that were interviewed or mom)
  • Results/Observation (what happened)
  • Conclusion (why you thought it happened)
  • Your name and grade

The surface in front of the display should include your research paper, log for your experiment, samples, and interesting materials used. Your research paper should include everything in the above list.  In addition it should contain a title page, a table of contents, research and a bibliography. 


  • For almost every science fair project, you need to prepare a display board to communicate your work to others. In most cases you will use a standard, three-panel  display board that unfolds to be 36″ tall by 48″ wide.
  • Organize your information like a newspaper so that your audience can quickly follow the thread of your experiment by reading from top to bottom, then left to right. Include each step of your science fair project: Abstract, question, hypothesis, variables, background research, and so on.
  • The title should be big and easily read from across the room. Choose one that accurately describes your work, but also grabs peoples’ attention. Use a font size of at least 16 points for the text on your display board, so that it is easy to read from a few feet away. It’s OK to use slightly smaller fonts for captions on picture and tables.
  • A picture speaks a thousand words! Use photos of yourself  conducting experiment. Draw diagrams to present non-numerical data, to propose models that explain your results, or just to show your experimental setup. But, don’t put text on top of photographs or images. It can be very difficult to read.   Put captions on each picture.